Second post

This is a writeup based on a presentation I gave at BrazilJS in August 2014. It builds on some of the ideas I’ve been blogging about recently related mostly to UX and performance.

  • Should JavaScript be used to replace browser functions like history, navigation and page rendering?
  • Is the backend dying? Should I render HTML at all?
  • Are Single Page Applications (SPAs) the future?
  • Is JS supposed to augment pages for websites, but render pages in web apps?
  • Should techniques like PJAX or TurboLinks be used?
  • What’s the precise distinction between a website and a web application? Should there be one at all?

Some lol content

Server rendering is not about SEO, it’s about performance. Consider the additional roundtrips to get scripts, styles, and subsequent API requests. In the future, considering HTTP 2.0 PUSH of resources .

The first thing

The distance from Stanford to Boston is 4320km.
The speed of light in vacuum is 300 x 10^6 m/s.
The speed of light in fibre is roughly 66% of the speed of light in vacuum.
The speed of light in fibre is 300 x 10^6 m/s * 0.66 = 200 x 10^6 m/s.
The one-way delay to Boston is 4320 km / 200 x 10^6 m/s = 21.6ms.
The round-trip time to Boston and back is 43.2ms.
The current ping time from Stanford to Boston over today’s Internet is about 85ms (…)
So: the hardware of the Internet can currently achieve within a factor of two of the speed of light.

The cited 85ms round-trip

Analysis of the HTML sent by the server for every page of a SPA in the wild Analysis of the HTML sent by the server for every page of a SPA in the wild

At this point many developers consciously accept this tradeoff.

How many KB a server can send for each phase of the connection by segments. How many KB a server can send for each phase of the connection by segments

First post

This is a writeup based on a presentation I gave at BrazilJS in August 2014. It builds on some of the ideas I’ve been blogging about recently related mostly to UX and performance.

Some lol content

Server rendering is not about SEO, it’s about performance. Consider the additional roundtrips to get scripts, styles, and subsequent API requests. In the future, considering HTTP 2.0 PUSH of resources .

The first thing

The distance from Stanford to Boston is 4320km.
The speed of light in vacuum is 300 x 10^6 m/s.
The speed of light in fibre is roughly 66% of the speed of light in vacuum.
The speed of light in fibre is 300 x 10^6 m/s * 0.66 = 200 x 10^6 m/s.
The one-way delay to Boston is 4320 km / 200 x 10^6 m/s = 21.6ms.
The round-trip time to Boston and back is 43.2ms.
The current ping time from Stanford to Boston over today’s Internet is about 85ms (…)
So: the hardware of the Internet can currently achieve within a factor of two of the speed of light.

The cited 85ms round-trip

Analysis of the HTML sent by the server for every page of a SPA in the wild Analysis of the HTML sent by the server for every page of a SPA in the wild

At this point many developers consciously accept this tradeoff.

How many KB a server can send for each phase of the connection by segments. How many KB a server can send for each phase of the connection by segments